Review: HTC HD2
Apr 8, 2010, 11:48 PM by Philip Berne
The T-Mobile HTC HD2 is the biggest, baddest Windows Mobile touchscreen you can buy, though you wouldn't know it with HTC's impressive Sense interface. PhoneScoop reviews this tablet phone, which could be the pinnacle of the current generation of Windows Mobile.

The T-Mobile HTC HD2 is the largest touchscreen phone on the market, running Windows Mobile 6.5 with HTC's Sense interface concept. If you like Web browsing, showing off photos or watching movies, you'll appreciate the large display. Even buyers considering a tablet, like an Apple iPad, will find plenty of ebook reading and multimedia software on board.
Web Browser
size does matter!
Opera 10 fixes the issues with scrolling and cliking on links not registering, but gives up pinch to zoom. Opera refits text to the screen better if you use double click to zoom, instead of pinch to zoom,