Sprint Says It Will Offer Android 'When the Time Is Right'
Dec 11, 2008, 4:52 PM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Dec 11, 2008, 4:56 PM
Sprint may have recently said publicly that Google's Android platform isn't quite ready yet, but that is not stopping the company from watching Android's development carefully. Sprint's vice president of products and devices, Kevin Packingham, recently said that, "We believe in the vision for Android, so we want to see it get bigger and get healthy. We can, when the timing's right, pull the trigger." Packingham also said that Sprint will work with chip vendors and device makers to bring an Android phone to market, and will have such a device ready within a year.
Bloomberg / Seattle Tech Report »
Where was this wisdom when....
The LG Rumor...
The Samsung Highnote...
The LG Fusic...
The HTC Touch....
The Motorola Q....
The Motorola RAZR.....
The Motorola KRZR....
The HTC Apache.....
The HTC Mogul.....
bluecoyote said:...
They green lighted the Samsung Instinct...
The LG Rumor...
The Samsung Highnote...
The LG Fusic...
The HTC Touch....
The Motorola Q....
The Motorola RAZR.....
The Motorola KRZR....
Sprint... have you stopped and looked at the situtation you are in?
What the heck is this supposed to mean?
There can't be a better time for them to launch a CDMA android device, and get some subscribers.
But noooo..., we have to wait till the time is right. More crippling???
Can't wait to get out.
The Android concept is awesome but to let...
eric_cartman said:
Can't wait to get out.
Unfortunately for sprint that's how millions feel, millions are just waiting out their contracts ready to port to a carrier that cares.
See? Sprint does like Android
Slammer said:
It just needs to forment. Every new product needs time at the wheel to polish their skills. Android is as new as you get and is a risk. I commend Sprint for waiting. They don't need extra headaches.