Obama to Fill FCC Seat
May 1, 2009, 7:33 AM by Eric M. Zeman
President Barack Obama has announced his intent to nominate democrat South Carolina Public Service Commission member Mignon Clyburn to be a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. The nomination will need to be approved by Congress. Clyburn's nomination would fill one of the vacant seats, though three still remain.
He has been meeting with officals about a global currency yes that's right I said it do your research I know I am about to get blasted here but it is the truth
"Some Guy" does something at the FCC
But no, some of you [redacted] want to make it all about your disagreement with the guy who's name is in the article. No one would care if it was "Local Ombudsman Hyman Rabinowitz to fill FCC Seat"
This is a phone centered site; people come here for information about wireless telecommunication & the industry surrounding it. On those subjects, there's a great wealth of information, both in the site info and among the forum members.
This is *NOT* where I come to discuss politics, and especially not among people that are so ignorant about ...