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Palm Pre to Launch First Week of June

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May 18, 2009, 12:14 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated May 18, 2009, 12:28 PM

According to sources cited by the New York Times, the Palm Pre will become available some time during the first week of June. The Times wasn't more specific, but said the information came from people briefed with Sprint and Palm's plans.



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May 18, 2009, 1:31 PM

Do I see a blue sky???

Sprint's rainy days are close to a end I forcast/hope.

I will probably wait to get the pre for all the kinks to be worked out.
im pretty sure when it launches it will have all the kinks worked out. Theyre competeing with Apple. No room for mistakes. This phone is going to be sooooooo coooooooooolllll. 😁
I think they keep pushing it back and are waiting until june because that is when the new iPhone supposedly comes out.
If this phone doesn't SLAM....I'm going to be EXTREMELY disappointed! I've been waiting for a great phone to bring me back to Sprint, and I've been hoping that this will be the one!

However, if this one ends up flopping...I'll probably go with the...
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