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Review: Nokia 6682

Form Function - Basics Function - Extras Wrap-up  

Considering its great battery life, reception, camera and features, there are few for whom the 6682 would not be a great phone. Like all smartphones, the 6682 has a steeper learning curve than most feature phones. Nokia continues to make progress with Series 60 in an effort to make it the most user-friendly smartphone OS, and they continue to dominate the smartphone market thanks to these efforts. Once familiar with the 6682 and its OS, there are few needs it can't safisfy.

Despite our praise, there are at least two groups for whom the 6682 will not be the right device. If you have large hands or live and die by text messaging, the keyboard is just too cramped for you. And if you work in a large corporation and are expecting a Blackberry-like smartphone solution out of the box, the 6682 does not offer that, despite an excellent email client and the option of the Opera browser.

The 6682 should be available on Cingular very soon.


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