Sanyo 3810 Now for Sale from Sprint Nextel
Comments 7
Nov 1, 2009, 3:44 PM by Eric M. Zeman
Sprint Nextel recently made the Sanyo SCP-3810 for sale. The 3810 is an entry-level clamshell that has a hidden external LCD, 1.3 megapixel camera, GPS (for navigation and geo-taggin images) and Bluetooth 2.0. Sprint calls out the 3810's large keypad, 2.4-inch screen, and adjustable fonts for those who like an easier-to-use handset. It supports mobile email, threaded SMS, Picture Mail, and IM messaging services. The 3810 is free after rebates with new agreement.
well someone had to say it
Boring to you is simple to others who do not need a complex smart phone with every feature and app known to man.
Some people just want a cell phone. Not a mobile computer.
What exactly were you hoping for considering it's *FREE*?
For those of us who have friends or relatives reluctant to upgrade from their comfortable, ancient brick of a phone, the Sanyo SCP-3810 might be the phone to do it.
My siblings and I, as well as Mum's contemporaries who have been quicker than she t...
Cool! Now I can upgrade my parents from their 5 year old Toshiba 4050. It may be a boring phone, but I know my 90 year old father could never figure out my HTC Hero..
It's About Time
Keep in mind that I don't need a smartphone and I'm not a texting nut. I have always loved a flip phone because I use my phone to talk. Yep, that's right, I actually use a phone for talking as my primary use. My first phone was a Sanyo 8400 and I loved it. It lasted forever and I could always get reception where my other Sprint friends couldn't. This is exactly what I've been looking for. I am currently using another phone with Sprint and hate it. I got my 3810 yesterday and my parents are jealous because you can make the fonts HUGE!!!. I know what I'm getting them for Christmas. By the way, I wasn't sure what phone I was going to get and I couldn't believe that the Sanyo 3810 was one of only 2 flip phones available from Sprint. What...
I agree. I've always had a flip phone, and my last two Sanyo's have been very good. I have an Ipod touch for all the bells and whistles and apps. I just hope the quality is the same since Sanyo has been bought out.