CWA Pushing to Unionize T-Mobile Employees
Comments 14
Nov 18, 2009, 7:45 PM by Eric M. Zeman
The Communications Workers of America is looking to partner with the union that represents Deutsche Telekom employees in Germany and organize a new joint union to represent T-Mobile USA's employees. The CWA would oversee the new union's efforts on behalf of T-Mobile USA employees in the U.S., and ver.di would continue to work with Deutsche Telekom's workers in Germany. The new union, called TUnion, would work in concert to make sure all workers receive fair treatment. T-Mobile has historically opposed unions within its ranks. Peter Dobrow, a spokesman for Bellevue, Wash.-based T-Mobile USA, said, "Despite the CWA's periodic organizing efforts for more than nine years, no group of T-Mobile employees has ever chosen to be represented by a union. While our company is always striving to find ways to improve, year after year, employees continue to view T-Mobile as a good place to work where they have no need for, or interest in, a union."
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I've been at a Tmobile call center for over four years and began talking (secretly) with CWA a couple years ago. Like the rest of you, it didn't take me long to become fed up with management.
If you're interested in organizing at Tmobile, visit This is the site for the Tmobile union we're forming with help from the German union Ver.di, who represents workers from Deutsche Telekom.
It doesn't matter if you're a CSR, RSR, tech, etc. You can join. Only we can change things for the better at Tmobile.
Not Quite
"No groups?!" Ask any T-Mobile retail rep, that has been with the company over a year, how their commission has been affected after the change. Everyone has seen a huge loss. End of year this year I have lost 19,000 compared to last year. However they forced sales reps three years to sign a doc that stated they couldn't start a union. Doesn't AT&T have a union?
Yea ATT is unionized. I completely agree with what you said. They've taken nearly all incentive (along with my motivation) to sell phones away. I've been with the company for a few years and I've seen them chip away at commission to the point now (...
How much does a T-Mobile Salesperson make?
Like in a retail store how much do they make?
i can see the need for tmobile, but under cwa myself, i saw no need. someone who has been working at my call center for 15 years capped his hourly rate 5 years ago. he can not make any more money than he is right now. and that's under the new union contract signed by att in 2008. we almost had to stike because att wouldnt sign. yet...they ended up signing and what did we get??? nothing. nothing changed. cwa for att employees is a bunch of malarky. they do nothing to keep employees for getting fired. and as missouri is a right to work hr could say "i dont like your're fired." cwa will do nothing to retain my job other than get a statement from me by my steward. 😡