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Sprint to Waive Calling/Messaging Fees to Japan, Too

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Mar 14, 2011, 1:06 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Mar 14, 2011, 1:33 PM

Sprint representative Crystal Davis confirmed to Phone Scoop via email that it, too, will waive the fees of its customers looking to call or text message phone lines in Japan effective March 11 to April 10.

source: Sprint


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Mar 14, 2011, 7:55 PM

Sprint reps unaware of free calls to Japan :?

Just got done speaking with international customer support at Sprint. They are unaware of any such offer for free calls to Sprint. However, this "Crystal Davis" is a real employee as I located a document on the Sprint website with her name listed as the contact -- http://sprint.tekgroupweb.com/article_display .cfm?article_id=1817#__highlight&id16=japan

I can only assume that she has not had the time to write up the "official" document and or Sprint has yet to create the discounting codes required to make all the calls free. I have since sent an email to Crystal and will post an update once I receive contact from her, or a Sprint International representative confirming these details.
In the first paragraph, 2nd sentence, I meant to write Japan instead of Sprint. Sorry for the mistake guys.
Sprint reps have been made aware of the change for Japan International Calls/Texts

Calling to Japan is free and includes calls to landline and mobile. This waives the normally $1.59+ charge to call and the $0.20 per text to/from Japan.

This has ...
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