AT&T Bundles Insurance and Support In Protection Pack
Mar 31, 2011, 8:49 AM by Eric M. Zeman
AT&T today announced a new option for those looking to insure or otherwise protect their mobile devices. The new AT&T Mobile Protection Pack merges a number of separate services in one offering that costs $9.99 per month. The Protection Pack includes mobile insurance (against loss, theft, accidental damage, liquid damage, or mechanical and electrical failure); live and web-based device and services support; and Mobile Locate, which can be used to track, recover, or secure lost or missing handsets. The services are still available for purchase separately, but the bundled price presents a cost savings to customers. AT&T said Protection Pack is available to "several" of its devices, but didn't name them.
$ / Lazy AT&T? ... »
This now offers online support, so the people that pop up and chat with you can do all of it now too instead of sitting there suggesting you call in to tech s...
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