Wireless Co. Eying Kodak Patents for Protection
Aug 18, 2011, 7:18 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Kodak has put a number of its patents up for sale in order to unlock their value and generate some income. Many of the patents in question pertain to imaging. The Wall Street Journal reports that one of the companies considering a bid on the patents is "a large, strategic buyer in the wireless industry looking to use the patents for defensive protection." The Journal doesn't say which company. The wireless industry is embroiled in patent litigation, and many of the players are looking for the best way to protect themselves from lawsuits. Owning more patents could help. Google earlier this week announced its intent to acquire Motorola, in part because it will gain 17,000 patents in the deal. Last month, Apple, RIM, and Microsoft banded together to purchase 6,000 patents from Nortel, many of which pertain to wireless technologies. Kodak itself has filed litigation against several wireless companies regarding digital imaging patent infringement. The auction for Kodak's patents is underway, but doesn't have a finite end point.
HP or Microsoft?
But what about other imaging companies? Canon, Fuji, Samsung, Xerox etc. This industry area could benefit greatly from these patents as well.
John B.