FCC's Net Neutrality Rules One Step Closer to Reality
Sep 23, 2011, 12:20 PM by Eric M. Zeman
The Federal Communications Commission recently published its proposed Net Neutrality rules in the Federal Register. The rules are set to go into effect on November 20 — if the wireless industry accepts them as they are. Verizon Wireless and MetroPCS filed a lawsuit against the FCC in January of this year, claiming the governmental body had no legal grounds to set or enforce such rules. The lawsuits were tossed on a technicality, and will likely be revisited now that the rules on published. Under the new rules, wireless providers would not be able to block users from accessing any web site. Wireless providers wouldn't be allowed to block internet calling services that make use of wireless broadband data connections (or any competitive service). The providers would also have to publicly disclose their network management practices. However, the providers would have the say-so to manage their networks in order to deal with congestion.
Down with throttling and tiered data!
If that worked, why not have the government pass a law saying that everyone gets unlimited, an unlimited bank account, and an un...