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Sprint Promises 'Aggressive LTE Roll-Out' in 2012

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Oct 7, 2011, 8:56 AM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Oct 7, 2011, 10:28 AM

Sprint announced today at an analyst conference in New York City that it will roll out a Long Term Evolution 4G network "aggressively" on its 1900MHz PCS spectrum and 1600MHz spectrum, which is owned by LightSquared (pending FCC approval). Sprint said its LTE network will launch in the first markets in mid 2012, with the first devices also appearing in mid 2012, too. Sprint believes that its LTE 4G network will offer faster speeds than are currently available via WiMax, will offer broader nationwide coverage, and will transition between 3G/4G networks seamlessly. Sprint says that by the end of 2012 it will have about 176 million 4G POPs covered with a mix of WiMax and LTE. By the end of 2013, it will cover 250 million POPs with LTE, completely overlapping its current WiMax footprint. Sprint noted that it will be given a 20MHz channel of LightSquared's LTE spectrum, but can back out of its deal with LightSquared if the U.S. government does not approved LightSquared's L-Band spectrum use by the end of the year.

source: Sprint


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Oct 7, 2011, 5:55 PM

NOT All LTE Networks will be equal

Expect Sprint's LTE devices to be more expensive because of the need for Dual Band 1600/1900 Mhz operating frequencies and their in-building LTE signal penetration will weaker than that of VZW (700 Mhz) and AT&T (760 MHZishhh & TMobile 1700Mhz)
VZW's coast to coast one band frequency at 700Mhz license band pays!!
kkrider said:

...VZW's coast to coast one band frequency at 700Mhz license band pays!!

...and pay and pay and pay for america's most expensive network.
Except I'm like 90% sure sprint LTE will roll down to 800mhz also. I could be wrong but I think it will.
kkrider said:
Expect Sprint's LTE devices to be more expensive because of the need for Dual Band 1600/1900 Mhz operating frequencies...

First, LightSquared may be a non issue; Ancillary Terrestrial Component use of ...

Oct 7, 2011, 10:28 AM

Look what Sprint can do..take a lesson at&t

so as i said elsewhere: How do ppl not think At&t is completely full of s**t when they say they HAVE to purchase t-mobile to make this kind of roll out happen. How bout you just, i dont know, use that money to actually expand your network instead of eliminating a competitor.
at&t's "plan" is to eliminate the competition, then they don't have to roll out anything. You get one black phone and get put on hold by Ernestine the operator.

Oct 7, 2011, 9:26 AM

I guess I won't be upgrading any time soon....

I'm eligible for a phone upgrade today. WiMax isn't rolled out to Long Island and I see no indication it's coming any time soon. A new smartphone will add $10 a month to my bill for no additional service.

I'm not sure what their definition of "agressive" is, but I doubt they'll match Verizon's LTE pace. It looks like I'll probably be keeping my Samsung Moment for at least another year.
you acknowledged that you use a samsung moment
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