Review: Kyocera Milano for Sprint
Wow, the Milano takes crappy pictures. I don't think the Milano even understands what white balance is, let alone be able to adjust for it appropriately. White balance in indoor shots is off by a mile. Notice the bluish tint on the pumpkins, sit-n-spin, and dinosaur. Disastrous. Amazingly, these shots were in focus, but the white balance and color issues are unforgivable.
You'll have better luck with outdoor shots, especially those captured under strong sunlight. About half of them had correct white balance and good color representation. But some were out of focus and soft. The Milano's camera sensor also had trouble with extremely bright subjects and blew out the detail on occasion.
Bottom line, the Milano's camera isn't good for much other than capturing the most basic evidence of an event.
Don't even bother. The Milano maxes out at 176 x 144 resolution and demonstrates the worst white and color balance problems I've ever seen from a video camera. Sure, you can get the general idea of what's going on, bit it's going to look so awful you won't want to share it. Look how washed out the scenery and sky are in the sample below.