Cingular, AT&T Wireless Launch Intercarrier MMS
Comments 21
Aug 24, 2004, 2:55 PM by (staff)
AT&T Wireless and Cingular today announced the launch of the first cross-carrier MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) service in the U.S. Starting
today, Cingular and AT&T Wireless customers can share multimedia messages with each other from their wireless phones. MMS messages can include text, photos, animated graphics,
voice messages, music, and video clips. Previously, customers of each company could only send MMS to other customers of the same company.
but they merged..... right?
the 2 carriers merged, right? so in theory they are in the process of making everything transition to one big company. this is more of an update on merging everything than some great handshake between to companies.
It's a tentative merge - still waiting on a number of things (most importantly FCC approval). It might seem like they're just trying to get a jump on the actual merging process but it's still very possible that the merger doesn't go through.. Cingular...
Not yet. The merger is still pending government approval. In the meantime, they are required by law to act as separate, competing companies.
For the inexperienced and uneducated, I will break this down for you. There are 13 steps to a company merger, the FCC has approved 12 of the 13 steps for ATT Wireless and Cingular to merge, the 13th step is expected to be approved sometime in late Oct...
I have been sending MMS from AT&T to T-Mobile for a while now, so I don't see how this is a first. It is nice that I can finally send to Cingular, I tried to send a MMS to a Cingular client a week ago, and it showed up on there phone a a text message.
cingular/tmobile has been there for awhile. and the cingular att thing has been usable in SOME markets, but is now nationwide.
MMS not working for me in Atlanta
I sent a MMS message to a friend with Cingular yesterday morning at about 8:00 am. Eighteen hours later, at 2:00 am this morning she received a message telling her she could view the message I sent on the Internet. It gave her a password to use online! Anybody know what's up with that??
T-Mobile was first!
I just wanted to mention that T-Mobile has had a cross-carrier MMS agreement with AT&T for several weeks, if not 1-2 months now. I don't know if it was ever announced publicly but I do know it was announced to all the T-mobile employees.
Odd that they haven't made a public announcement, because that's a pretty big deal! 😕
It's great to see that this has finally happened. I can't tell ya how many of my friends/family are not on the same carrier as I am. Too bad it's just a precursor to the merger.
they have doing mms in euro and asia for years. only now we have it?! man this country cell technology just horrible!!! so behind!