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California First to Levy Cell Phone Charger Regulations

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Jan 13, 2012, 9:44 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

California voted on Thursday to require consumer electronics manufacturers to ship devices with energy-efficient chargers starting next year. The goal of the law is to save energy, as consumers often leave cell phone, tablet, and laptop chargers plugged in when not charging their devices. Many chargers continue to draw power, even without a device attached, and account for up to 13% of all the power used in California. The California Energy Commission believes the law will lead to $306 million in annual energy savings, and conserve enough energy to power 350,000 homes. Though the law was opposed by consumer electronics makers, some cell phone manufacturers already offer energy-efficient chargers. The law goes into effect February 1, 2013.

Reuters »



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Steve Jobes

Jan 17, 2012, 8:25 AM

things like this

are why I hate CA.

Jan 13, 2012, 11:57 AM


Really? Do they just make this crap up offa the tops of their heads?
dlmjr said:
Really? Do they just make this crap up offa the tops of their heads?

Your right, the percentage figure is being disputed by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). They say the savings for consumers...
It is true...about 10-13% of all electricity is standby/vampire/phantom power. But this includes everything from microwaves to dvd players to wall warts. In my house, these other items out number the battery chargers I have.

Still, this mandate w...

Jan 13, 2012, 11:32 PM

what are offices, stores??

it seems like offices, and stores leave their lights on 24/7! how about turning lights off when everyone left the office or turn off lights when stores are closed!
netboy said:
it seems like offices, and stores leave their lights on 24/7! how about turning lights off when everyone left the office or turn off lights when stores are closed!

I like the idea, but there is probab...
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