FCC Sets Deadline for Opposers of Verizon's Spectrum Grabs
Jan 19, 2012, 5:24 PM by Eric M. Zeman
The Federal Communications Commission today revealed that it has combined the petition to deny and comments periods for Verizon's spectrum purchases from Leap Wireless, Cox Communications, and SpectrumCo and assigned dates for the dealines. All petitions to deny need to be filed by February 21, and all oppositions must be filled by March 2. The FCC agreed last month that the comments and petitions to deny should all be collected at the same time, but had previously not scheduled datas. The FCC has yet to say whether or not it will consolidate the Leap Wireless, SpectrumCo, and Cox spectrum acquisition review processes. Verizon is hoping to bag blocks of 700MHz and 1700MHz wireless spectrum from this collection of purchases, which it will use to supplement its Long Term Evolution 4G network.
Reinstate the Spectrum Screen FOR REAL
No single entity or corporation shall be permitted to own more than 30% of the actively used, currently consumed spectrum in any given market area.
Such calculations would exclude consideration of airwaves that "could" be used for wireless services, but currently are not implemented, such as LightSquared's L-band spectrum and the AWS spectrum Verizon has been hording and doing nothing with for all these years. Only spectrum for which end-user devices exist in the mass market would be included in the determinations
Why stop at three? Why not 4? 5? 10?
Once we have established that it is the proper role of government to choose winners and losers in ...