Cingular Merger Final
Comments 100+
Oct 26, 2004, 12:06 PM by (staff)
Cingular today announced that its planned acquisition of AT&T Wireless was executed this morning, officially creating the new largest wireless carrier in the country, with 46 million customers. The deal has received all necessary government approval. As a first step for customers, Cingular will now start opening access to both GSM networks to all customers without roaming charges, and allow unlimited mobile-to-mobile calls to any
Cingular or AT&T Wireless customer. Customers of both companies will be able to continue using their current phones, rate plans and features, without any interruption. Cingular will soon start communicating additional transition information to customers through advertising and direct communications channels. The company will continue to be headquartered in Atlanta, and the new executive team was also announced today. As a condition of FCC approval of the deal, Cingular has agreed to divest certain AT&T Wireless assets in Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, and Missouri, as well as some excess spectrum in Dallas and Detroit. The company is also limited to a maximum of 70 MHz of radio spectrum total in any one market.
Cingular »
How is Sprint affected in all of this?
🙄 Will sprint merge with verizon now to be king of mountain
👿 honestly i could care less about this att/cingular merger.....
Im curious, im at att customer right now and i live in Iowa, but cingular doesnt offer service in Iowa. now that the merger went through can i migrate to a cingular plan with rollover and get a cingular phone or not yet.
Can someone help me out
i don't think so just yet but i would imagine that would be a possibility in the coming weeks
I'm reading that market(s)in CA are on the list for divestiture or non-merger. Anyone know which market(s)?
i am not sure about which market your talking about in ca i havent heard anything but were every att has service so will cingular they will be some market overlay..but not any market not in the merger
Where did you read that? I don't think there is any significant requirements like that for California.
Cingular unwound its network sharing agreement with T-Mobile earlier in the summer. T-Mobile purchased Cingular's California/Nevada network for somewhere around $2.1 Billion. Cingular will then lease the network capacity from T-Mobile temporarily,...
Hey Yall,
I work in the industry and the Current cingular California/Nevada network is to be sold to T-mobile. Cingular and T-Mobile a while back entered into a Joint Network Venutre to build it up in the first place so it's not too much of a surpr...
whats wrong with motorola phones?! they are awesome.
will sim in att 3650 work in Cingular's nokia 6230?
Just wondering, will my blue ATT sim card (that is in my 3650) work in a cingular phone if I get the Nokia 6230? I want to be able to transfer my contacts from my sim card into a new phone. Of course, this shouldn't be an issue, since I have my contacts snyced via isynch on my Mac. Then again, is the 6230 working with apple's isync?
the sim will work IF the nokia 6230 is unlocked.
Text Messaging Rates
Does anyone know how the text messaging rates are going to be after Cingular finally owns ATT? Currently, ATT has free receiving and $.10 for each sent message. Cingular charges $.10 for both receiving and sending.
No change. 'Legacy' AWS cust get the same thing they always had. If they migrate to a Cingular plan/feature, they use the Cing rates.
"What does this mean for customers?"
Can someone please tell me what this means for me?
"As a condition of FCC approval of the deal, Cingular has agreed to divest certain AT&T Wireless assets in Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, and Missouri, as well as some excess spectrum in Dallas and Detroit." 🙄
What I would like to know is who will be handling the handset protection? At & T use Lockline and I believe Cingular uses Asurion.
Basically, to prevent a monopoly in certain areas, Cingular has to get rid of the AT&T network in those areas. 🙄
Oct 31, 2004, 9:22 PM
Hey Rich-Where do I get specifics?
Rich, Where would I get specifics on what they are required to divest? I would like it specific down to towns or counties. Thanks in advance.
VIRGINIA--taking over anything on Suncom?
I mean in a lot of parts of Virginia like Harrisonburg, Virginia and other parts of the north and about the middle of Virginia.
They're Suncom--operating on the AT&T network.
Any chance Cingular will get involved in such areas?
Coverage question....
I live in an area that ATT covers (actually, just started to cover), but not Cingular. If I sign up with the ATT store here, will I be able to get a plan with rollover?? Or will I have to wait until Cingular puts my area on their coverage map?
If you sign up before Day One, no.
new equipment
i read about the cingular/att merger and when i went to the website with all the information, they said that in order to receieve rollover and other features, i would need to switch to a cingular plan and get a new phone. Does this mean i will have to cancel my att account and pay the early activation fee? or can i just transfer my information to cingular and still get a free phone?
Basically, you migrate to Cingular. The ETF is waived. Call it an upgrade but getting 'new customer' deals for phones.
Cingular/ AT&T Merger
I just bought a Audiovox 9900 phone I am happy with the phone. A few things I don't like feels too plastic. Hard to hear on the phone and Verizon Wireless... I like the coverage area, but most of the phones suck, and the minute plans suck. Now that Verizon is the #2 biggest wireless network in the US..... Should I switch to Cingular and get more minutes, such as roll over----- free in network calling At&t and Cingular.. Sounds really nice, any ideas. I have 12 days left on the 9900.
If you need to rollover minutes every month, then you are obviously paying too much for your service...think about it.
Names Already Switched?
I'm sitting here at my desk at work and look down at my phone and it says "Cingular Wireless". So I figure something must have happened so I try to change back to AT&T and it still says Cingular. I was kind of surprised that the day the deal was finalized they already started switching the names on the towers and such.
A coworker and I both have AT&T Wireless (he uses a Nokia, and I use a Sony Ericsson).
His phone started displaying CINGULAR WIRELESS, while mine was still saying AT&T WIRELESS. The odd thing was that swapping the SIM c...
Most likely if you have the old blue ATTWS SIM your phone will still say "AT&T WIreless" but if you have the new white SIM then it will say "Cingular Wireless". Not the GAIT white SIM, but the new white GSM SIM. The difference is the color of the glob...
Wow that was quick!!!
This is certainly an exciting time for the wireless community. I'm just worried for me and my fellow AWS employees jobs. Let's hope they need us!
Well, I'm sure just as they have done for you Rob, they've been telling us that we'll be safe on the business side of AWS.
Well see come the first of the year. 🙄
Oh yeah, you'll still be needed. Not everyone on AWS will migrate over the first day. You guys'll be taking the calls from the ones keeping the AWS plans for a long time.
i knew it was going to be quick, i told muchdrama that a month ago and he was saying may. i was saying by the end of the year. i dont think you have anything to worry about with your jobs. cingular is good about keeping people. i worked for bell south...
RIP ATTWS 1977-2004
We'll a long and winding road has come to an end. Althought my time with ATTWS was very short lived (didn't even get my employee service yet, which I add is much better that what I will be getting) I hope that the memories and milestones will live on. Look forward to many years of the same with the new company. Although the there are sure to be many obstacles and hurdles to overcome in the coming days, weeks, months, years. We must start forward facing with our backs to the wind. With one objective in mind, being the largest company of its kind and staying that way. 😢
Good News!!
i was on the web page and theres a link for a new web page called and it give good info on what is going to happen with the rate plans for attws customers and cingular customers also.. 🙂
I live in an area that did not have Cingular or AT&T Wireless before the merger, but we do have Suncom (a member of the AT&T Wireless Network).
QUESTION: Does this mean that:
A) Suncom will remain Suncom, but just be a member of the Cingular Network now?
B) the Cingular name will take over in my area and the Suncom name will vanish?
C) Suncom will simply vanish?
Does anyone have the answer? The reason I ask is that Suncom did not carry the GSM Treo 600 and I don't expect them to carry the new 650. If Suncom switches to Cingular we may have access to the GSM 650 in my area.
choice A
there's an agreement in place for that