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Radio Shack To Ditch Verizon for Cingular

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Aug 3, 2005, 8:34 AM

Who buys a phone from Radio Shack?

I mean seriously, I have bought some crap from there in my day, and a 100-300$ cell phone is definately something I would buy else where. At the rate Radio Shack stores close, you could see the store disappear within a week of your purchase!
HolyMoto said:
I mean seriously, I have bought some crap from there in my day, and a 100-300$ cell phone is definately something I would buy else where. At the rate Radio Shack stores close, you could see the store disappear within
1) RadioShack leads the industry in cell phone sales, so obviously no one buys phones there.

2) I haven't seen a RadioShack close in Milwaukee, WI in over two years.

Maybe #2 is different in your area, but #1 is a nationwide total.....

So, pe...
Holy moto you are an idiot, Radio Shack sells cheaper phones because they get them in a larger quantity discount you moron. Not that its a cheap phone its the same phone you would get anywhere else, I can't argue about accesories but when you get a ph...
To reply honestly with this post and a later post of yours, their stores do not close unless the market location deteriorates or they have built too many stores in an area.
RadioShack is the largest seller of wireless phones outside of the carriers ...
RadioShack claims 35% of all verizon activations. One company with that much market share speaks volumes... slappy
I was a GM for radio shack for two and a half years. Radio shack employees are 90% morons and 8% savants, and 2% crazy. split those 8% up between 7000 stores and what are the chances you're gonna get a great representative to purchase a cellular pho...
It's as simple as price.

For example,
Verizon Motorola E815 is $99.99 at RS after $50 rebate. It's $149.99 at the Verizon Store.

If you buy your phone from a Verizon, Sprint, or whatever store, you pay more for the phone than you would at any 3...
I knew I remembered something from somewhere...

http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?gui ... »

Aug 4, 2005, 10:51 AM

How to sell against what you've been taught for years

How are you going to retrain your staff of millions to sell GSM when all they've been taught for years is that CDMA is the newest and most advonce form of technology?
Cdma has fewer dropped calls, less static, and faster dowload speeds, but here's a cingular phone that looks cute. Here take it. Its not really what is best for you, and the customer service behind this phone sucks. You'll have a lot of billing issues that will drive you crazy, but here, take this cingular phone and try to be happy.
I can't wait to see the BRIGHT ORANGE and the very contemporary red grey and black of radio shack mix. Its going to make for great visual displays in the store. HAHAHAHA
Is Radio Shack also going to set up an FCC complaint center in the stor...
Sounds like somebody is pissed that Verizon isn't being sold by RadioShack anymore, and doesn't want to admit it.

Tell me, do you always speak out of your ass?
Wow, could you please tell me where your source is for wireless technology as I'd love a good laugh.....

Standard CDMA data speeds are around 50-80 kb/ps, whereas even GPRS gives you 115kb/ps per second, and GPRS EDGE gives you 345kb/ps. If your ph...

Aug 3, 2005, 11:09 AM

That is Crazy - Verizon's customer service is far superior to Cingular's

I think that Radio Shack has cut their nose off to spite their face. By allowing the nations WORST wireless customer service company to sell indirectly through them is a horrible idea. Radio Shack was priviledged to have the nation's second best customer service available to their customers but now they will be hurting not only themselves but also their clintelle. Too bad for Verizon, I hope Cingular doesn't cause RS to go out of business. (They've been heading that direction for quite a few years!) 😳
Worst customer service? That title would be held by Sprint, not Cingular. And what are you referencing? Surveys I assume. Have you ever used Cingular's customer service personally? Heh, proably not. 🙄
How many FCC complaints did ****ular have last year...oh, only about half of all reported. Would someone remind me how many verizon wireless had please, I seem to have forgotten

Aug 1, 2005, 11:35 AM

Goodbye, old friend...

😢 I've had VZW since Nov 1, 2000 the first day RadioShack carried VZW and they have given me awesome service in the greater Chicago area.

I've heard horror stories of Cingular in the past but not lately.

While change is good most of the time, I'm a little weary of how Cingular will stack up with their GSM coverage to VZW's.

I guess only time will tell if this was a wise move or not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed since 10 years is a long time if not.

Hoping we made the right move.
the future is in cdma and verizon is always two steps ahead of sprint in technology. So we made the WRONG decision 👿 That was pretty pathetic decision by radioshack
You have worked at the radio shack for ten years? That,s sad.

Aug 1, 2005, 9:27 PM

The "Wireless Team" is stupid!!!!

just my opinion.

radioshack currently sells phones for the best wireless carrier in the market. verizon has the best coverage of any carrier in the market, cingular is second. they have coverage where people in the "boonies" need it and cingular or no other does. the excuse is because they want a piece of the gsm market, i say thats a load of crap, cingular offered them more money and they jumped on it. sure thats what businesses are all about, but what about all the people switching from cingular to verizon? what about the employees who have employee plans on there phones? what about verizon being the number one carrier on the market, does this not matter. sure they keep sprint because they want a piece of the nextel action, that makes ...
🙄 Everyone could argue who the best carrier is till the cows came home, but fact remains Cingular is the #1 carrier in the country. I am a loyal Sprint customer and work for Verizon and would not change carriers for all the tea in China. Verizon ...
There is no such thing as "The" market in the United States. There are many markets.

For example, in many parts of South Dakota, Verizon has been deemed the worst wireless carrier, and Cellular One the best. You cross the border into North Dako...

Aug 1, 2005, 6:45 AM


Is this going to hurt Verizon as much as I think it is? I've heard it many, many times that Radio Shack produces the most highly satisfied Verizon customers. Not sure if there is any truth behind that but if it is true, then it would seem that Verizon is in store for a big disappointment.
I am glad to see it happen. I know that I hear alot of problems from radio shack here. But I also hear alot of problems from any authorized agent. But I am sure this may put a dent in our numbers over all but you know verizon already has an action pla...

To tell you the truth, mark today as the official "VZW is having... problems now" day. This really isn't THE big deal, but it's a combination of things that are really going to hurt VZW. Analysts could go on forever... but here's my point...
RUFF1415 said:
Is this going to hurt Verizon as much as I think it is? I've heard it many, many times that Radio Shack produces the most highly satisfied Verizon customers. Not sure if there is any truth behind that but if it is
I think this was more of a mutual parting though i think sales at shack are going to hurt because of this

http://money.cnn.com/services/tickerheadlines/prn/20 ... »
😁 i think radioshack dropping Verizon is the greatest news, ever since i started there i can now understand why people do not like their phone service. all the things that are offered to customers, it is just a rip off. their company is a joke. i am ...

Aug 5, 2005, 11:50 AM

Of course there are a lot of reasons

All of them come down to money. Just list em.

1. Cingular will pay more per activation.
2. Cingular allows more complete access. Sam's Club kiosks (which already sell Cingular) are being given access to cingular sales portal, making them the only national retail with such access, thus 'better' customer service. This is launching like... right now.
3. Cingular agreed to terms on a mall kiosk program identical to the sprint kiosk program RS is already running. This coincides with the business plan of having the most locations, which is evidenced by the fact that RS is also launching kiosks in Pilot truck stops as well as the sams program.
4. This ultimately will make RS the number 1, 4, 5, and 6 retailer of cell phones.

Verizon couldn...
Very well put, RS has bigger plans for out company than Verizon would allow.

The first Pilot Kisosk sold over 130 phones the first day which my location sells about 140 a month.

The deal is more aimed at RS's expansion in small box business than...

Aug 1, 2005, 4:19 PM

Cingular Why!!

I don't want to sell cingular. I won't rape customers like that. I've lost all remaining faith in radioshack i have to get a new job now. I don't want to contribute to SBC a company that does nothing but sell products using inferior technology. This will definitely hurt verizon too. A Radioshack store usually sells 2-3 phones a day, there is roughly 7 thousand radioshack stores nationwide, say half the phones are verizon, thats about 10,000 phones a day. Radioshack sells more cell phones than any other retailer. Cingular Probably offered a higher profit margin to radioshack than verizon. Maybe they wanted to be able to offer GSM and CDMA carriers, if the company really thought "think customers first" they would get rid of sprint instead of v...
Radio Shack is credible business. In short, they're in business to stay in business. I will agree that Verizon's service is easier to work with than most any other provider. Their customer service is phenomenal. Unfortunately, for the price most c...
I've stated in another post that I've been part of the Radioshack wireless team since March, and Cingular had already replaced Verizon here months ago, and is doing just fine. I hear complaints about all cell phone companies. Get over it..
sademployee said:
I don't want to sell cingular. I won't rape customers like that.

So? Treat the customers like you want to be treated, and let the rest take care of itself.
sademployee said:
I don't want to sell cingular. I won't rape customers like that. I've lost all remaining faith in radioshack i have to get a new job now. I don't want to contribute to SBC a company that does nothing but sell prod

Aug 1, 2005, 8:03 PM

There must be a reason

But what could it be? Oh, I know, revenue. Radio Shack has seen market share dwindling as GSM has taken big steps in the US and obviously around the world. The realization is that CDMA just cant cut it in the cost-effective measures. If CDMA is to work, it has to keep gaining market share to stay afloat, something that Sprint is doing well at. What I mean by this is the acquisition of Nextel and their fair and flex able plans that appeal to consumers. They also appeal to the mobile internet savvy users with their pc s vision. All around, the future looks promising for Sprint. Verizon's story couldn't be different. Their revenue is running out and their emphasis is retaining current customers, since it costs so much to advertise to a...
springaf said:
But what could it be? Oh, I know, revenue.

Bingo. Cingular offered Radio Shack more money per activation than Verizon. Plain and simple.

Aug 2, 2005, 10:11 AM

About time!

I compltely understand that the shack helps sales numbers, but we are finally going to see an end to the problems caused by them.
Exactly. I would say roughly 80% of the problems with new activations or upgrades gone haywire are from RadioShack.

Good riddance and it will be great to see Cingular's customer's get screwed by them now.

Aug 1, 2005, 4:18 AM

First Post

Now if Circuit City were only paying attention
cellboy42 said:
Now if Circuit City were only paying attention

I don't know about anyone else's district, but mine is hardly selling any Verizon phones at all. We can't quite figure it out.

Aug 1, 2005, 10:52 PM

Verizon deserves this for what they do to the little guy

Read this entire article and you will understand.

Radioshack helped build up Verizon in many areas. To repay them they gave 2 of Radioshacks biggest competitors the ability to carry Verizon(Circuit City and Best Buy). They probably also tired to cut there commissions per phone like they did to the company I work for.

I think this a good kick in the a** for verizon. There a bully in the market and they have no regret showing it. What I mean is I work for a small 4 store Indirect agent for Verizon. We were the only Verizon dealer in our area for years. We built up the customer base in the area for Verizon. How do they repay us. They build a good old Verizon Direct store less than a mile down the road. A year later they build another s...
Sorry I moved the last paragraph up and forgot to delete it.
The overall message is Verizon has been screwing the little guy and Radioshack was the one company big enough to say we don't need you. Bout time someone stood up.
steeda76 said:
Read this entire article and you will understand.

Radioshack helped build up Verizon in many areas. To repay them they gave 2 of Radioshacks biggest competitors the ability to carry Verizon(Circuit City and Best B
Losing over 5000 Verizon dealers and adding 500 Cingular dealers is going to push Cingular over the top. Verizon made a big mistake here and they will see the results Q1 2006. Verizon will back in Radioshack within 1 year, along with T-Mobile (if nobo...

Aug 1, 2005, 9:48 AM

This could be a problem...

At least for some RadioShacks. More rural stores (like a LOT of the ones up where I am in NH, for instance), aren't going to be able to carry Cingular due to coverage issues. I'd look for them to fill in the gaps by relying on their regional carries (like US Cellular) more.
Yea Wereling

I'd give a... well SOME member from my body that I would rather not part with, so that Cingular would dump some money in Hilllsborough County. I can't sell the stuff to ANYONE unless they have existing lines and know the lack of covera...
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