FCC Chair Says Airlines Will Make Final In-Flight Call
We understand?
Yes, because as soon as you press the "Send" button on your phone, the plane EXPLODES. It's 100% true people, I saw it in a Rage comic.
These are archaic beliefs. I understand that lots of confused or misinformed people would prefer that voice calls not be made on airplanes becuase they think that in every situation, something bad will happen that will result in their deaths. These people need to educate themselves.
Tofuchong said:...
"""We understand that many passengers would prefer that voice calls not be made on airplanes.....""
Yes, because as soon as you press the "Send" button on your phone, the plane EXPLODES. It's 100% true people, I
Ways to make it happen?
But if this were to happen, what's a way it could work that wouldn't allow some jerk to ruin it? (Although most people do have common decency, I've certainly witnessed enough people on flights who lack it.)
The old GTE/Verizon Airfones were priced high enough to keep someone from yakking on it forever.