There should be laws against Patent Holding Companies
All patent holding firms do is buy up patents and then sue companies to make money. They stifle the industry and its creativity - from software to electronics to gizmos to engineering designs, etc. It's as bad as companies who by up book rights to keep the books from ever been published. It's a censorship of ideas. It starts with initial FOOLISHLY issuing of mass patents by the government. This chokes the individual inventor, the garage inventor, and does harm to corporations as well as patents are so easy to get that putting an item into a shopping cart on the web was given a patent. That is such a basic idea that that patent should've never been granted. There are building blocks more simplistic than this that have been given patents. As t...
What do you mean by give credit to the inventor? Just say "hey good job, but what you invested so much time and money into creating will be given out to people to use for free"?
If you think companies buying up patents chokes the creation of addit...