Review: Apple iPhone Xs Max
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What on this phone
What constitutes this price?
Nothing other than fanboys and fangirls will pay any price apple wants for apple stuff. i.e. The new Xr phone is really a 4 year old design at a flagship price.
As per Apple's Tim Cook, the iPhone XS Max is expensive because it replaces most other gadgets you'd need.
What constitutes price is called competition. The competition sells similar high end devices in the same price range. So in the end if Brand "X" sell a device for $1050.00, and Brand "Y" sells a device for $1100.00, then it’s a matter of which featu...
Shocking price?
In the world of high end smartphones, the iPhone XS Max is right in line with other premium devices of similar quality. If a customer is looking to spend 800 to 1000 dollars on the competition, then how is 1100 dollars "shockingly high"?