Ever since I got my Samsung Blackjack, I've been trying to use MySpace... it looks off (too big, objects are strangely placed) and 75% of the time, it won't let me log in; it either re-routes me back to the main page or gives me the "You Must Be Logged In to Do That!" page. I figured MySpace administrators made it this way so people would pay the monthly subscription to get the version that works and looks nice.
When I read this article, I was excited because I figured that it meant I would get the good, functioning MySpace. I've been visiting all week and I'm still getting the crappy version. Is anyone else experiencing this problem, or am I just special?
PEZSep 24, 2007, 10:16 AM
Pretty funny and or interesting
Since, this will keep those myspac-ophobes from having ot switch to carriers like Helio and others who have dedicated mycpace apps.
I know SK users will like this, because currently, their myspace application has a reocurring fee, if I am not mistaken.
Figured this would happen eventually.
If by SK you mean SideKick, then no, there has never been an extra fee. In fact, in all the years I've seen MySpace around, I don't know one person who has had to pay for it. All these "updates" are because it WORKED on phones, but it would look off, ...