AT&T to Support ChaCha
Google vs. ChaCha is that ChaCha will answer ANY questions, whether its ridiculous or not. You can search "Jeffersons most famous quote" and a PERSON will find the answer for you vs. Google wanting to slim it down and bring back NUMEROUS options.
I've often ChaCha'd myself to see what comes up and its CREEPY - they are psychic! 🤣
I asked ChaCha, "Is ChaCha better than google?" It answered, "ChaCha is the only revolutionary new human-powered free mobile answers service for people on the go. ChaCha anyt...
Not bad..... Also supported by T Mobile as well.
Google's response was,"Sorry, 'How much wood does a woodchuck chuck?' did not return any results."
However when searching for an address google returned more results.
One thing I didn't care for is the advertisements that ChaCha has.
text anything to goog for the same thing