AT&T Fires Up 850MHz 3G In Atlanta
Some difference
add more 1900 umts instead!!
lots of phones have 900/1900/2100 umts 3G.
pharos 137 -1700/1900/2100 hsdpa
sony x1i -900/1900/2100 hsdpa
asus p835 -900/1900/2100 hsdpa
You're talking about unlocked phones. AT&T is never ...
Roadmap for other cities
Kryger said:
how about there? that would be nice.
Iowa??? LMAO Do yall even have voice sevice there?? Let alone 3g..
maxnix said:
Only 5 years behind Sprint and VZW? 🙄
Like Sprint matters and they don't use 850 anyway. That's why they have ****ty indoor coverage. Dropped calls galore