Google Is Paying Carriers and Phone Makers to Adopt Android
AT&T laughs, Palm sighs
Meanwhile, AT&T has the iPhone which gets continued development and support. I'm pretty sure AT&T is laughing all the way to the bank. I'm willing to bet Verizon, knowing the long-term outlook on Android would drop every pathetic smartphone they sell to be in AT&T's shoes.
Palm is in deep crap, too. ...
(continues) comments/apple_shares_hit_new_all_time_intrad ay_closing_highs_100323/
If Apple wanted to outperform Google they would release the iPhone to every Carrie...
So what you're saying is...
Actually it's just the Google model straight up, look at it like a big affiliate ad program except instead of revenue generated through links to / through Google ads from your site it's a phones sold through carriers that wind up in end users' hands that then Google search their brains out. The carriers are just big affiliates paid out on ad revenue through the phones they sell.
Nothing evil or shocking at all about this.
So What?
You know for a FACT that either AT&T is paying Apple for exclusivity or Apple is paying AT&T not to use anything else or something along those lines.
Google is creating partnerships....
You don't think Microsoft is going to try to do the same things? You don't think Apple is/will continue to have similar practices?
InnocentEd said:...
How is this different than any other partnership in any technology business?
You know for a FACT that either AT&T is paying Apple for exclusivity or Apple is paying AT&T not to use anything else or something along
i know google is not dumb, but come on!!
so more people are willing to buy it!
yes, i'm talking about buying the phone without a plan!
netboy said:
how about just lower the price of Nexus one!
so more people are willing to buy it!
yes, i'm talking about buying the phone without a plan!
I paid the full price of the Nexus One, and I do agree with w...
at least
Then again, I own an Nexus One.