Google No Longer Researching Nexus One 3G Problems
As someone that actually owns a Nexus One
The supposed "issue" of it having weak 3G has been debunked in several forms. First and foremost, it has better 3G reception side by side compared to a G1, MyTouch3G, and TouchPro2. Secondly, the "drop" in signal experience by covering the radio is seen in other devices, including the iPhone and MyTouch3G, and the drop is minimal to say the least.
This "issue" is nothing more than a red hearing blown way out of proportion. T-Mobile needs to improve...
Haha thats prob why they remain 4th place they are nice at least
landmarkcm said:
Had them for years spotty coverage & when I moved kept droppin calls they are nice they let me out of contract. With Sprint now couldnt be happier with pricing and coverage!
So, you moved from a cra...
No Help... nothing.
We are not going to fix it with an over-the-air software update.
We aren't even going to answer your E-mails, and good luck calling us.
We are Google.
Our logo is not a fruit.
Don't be evil.
Do any of you hold a degree in kind of engineering field? Or a technological science degree? Do any of you work in a field that manufactures phones? Or work in any kind of...
google gave u on you guys! HAHAH
dont know why they would go into cell phones when they dont even make it?!? HTC does!!
stay in doing software google, you are awesome at it!
Let Apple do the hardware... they have been doing it A long while!!
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Wait, what?
Google are not responsible for carriers lack of signal
Not just in your house or backyard.
They both have advantages and disadvantages but to say one is better than the other obviously conveys your lack of intelligence because 1. You are biased 2. You...
They didn't say "it's T-Mobiles fault" they said "we're not fixing this"
They didn't push the blame off on someone else. They didn't feed us the standard "we are continuing to fervently work on this issue" line.
No, they simply admitted they sold people a bad product (at least on one level) and are refusing to fix it.
Can you imagine if everything worked perfectly on the Motorola Droid except for the flash on the camera? Motorola would be claiming "the droid does take photos in the dark" when in fact it doesn't. Oops, lets fix the problem or replace the phone right?
Google is not fixing the problem OR replacing the faulty ...
And you talk about anti-apple trolls.
The droid is also sold through retailers as well. this has costs (as people will quickly tell you) but one of the benefits is that carriers are very good about making clauses in the agr...
Let's Commence with the T-Mobile Bashing
Fixed on new releases?
So the real question is, when this phone comes to the other carriers this year, will it be an updated version with top-tier functioning 3G? Or will Google continue to further the disaster that may very well be their last endeavor into the smartphone design universe?
SneakyRebelNinja said:
Let's face it. T-Mobile's 3G coverage sucks, especially in comparison to the other three big American carriers.
Actually, I have great coverage where I live. Verizon's got great coverage, AT&T...
"we hear your complaints and we are ignoring them."
Google, with all of its happy, dancing in fields of daisy's mentality doesn't care. They are stretched so freaking thin I can't imagine them being able to handle problems with one of their legacy phones (the Nexus One)
The public message should have read;
"we hear your complaints and we are ignoring them... we have moved on to bigger and better things, newer versions of our devices and phones and quite frankly, Nexus One, you are old news"
Google, along with your complete lack of privacy safeguards, your customer service is going to be your downfall.
Good luck with the Incredible, and the Evo and all of the other phones you make in the next six mont...
I have pre-ordered (made a downpayment) my...
"Were sorry to hear your having trouble with our product, rest assured we are working on a fix. Be sure to check out our Moto Droid!"
Still no moto blur update....still no fix or soultions. All their attention is on the Droid.
The people I know with the ATT banded N...
I could be wrong.