Apple Says White iPhone Will Be Available in Late July
An increase of suicides throughout the month of July
BAHAHAHAHAH! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Sorry couldn't resist.
BTW, is it just me that is bothered by Steve Jobs' absolute refusal to use the definite article in his product introductions, "Here is [THE]iPhone" as if it were the only example of its kind in existence. I've found old mac introduction videos from the 80s of him doing the same thing, but it really pisses me off. I know it seems like a small point, but that is just really arrogant in my opinion.
sounds like your just bothered by bad english grammar {The}
All catering to snot-nosed ...
I was making fun of hipsters and Jobs' intentional grammar hijacking. Not Chinese labor conditions.
Evo copycat?
But then we fall down to reality and realize that nobody has an IP claim on the "color" of white.
what' BS !!!
less popular? just cus every freaking phones got black, it doesnt make it popular!
i have no freaking choice, i hate black! black is so boring! i would love to have phones in different color especially chrome!, now that' a man' phone!