I have a PS3 and an iPhone! Freaking awesome!!!
Say what you want about the iPhone not having flash, BUT WE'RE GETTING HULU!
I'm celebrating, not "dissing" any of the other phones out there btw, I hope Android gets it soon as well.
Kind of hard to do *anything* that is data intensive, such as video, with those measly/useless 2gb data plans.
I can understand why Hulu would want to block flash playback if they had this plus option available. But I hope they don't wait too long.
Especially when you have phones like the Droidx and Evo that have full HDMI out options.
Wont Androids w/ flash update do this FREE?
Wont the EVO etc. be able to watch Hulu from its site FREE once they get the FLASH 10x update?
Not really. For whatever reason, Hulu blocks flash on mobile devices.
If I had a droid x (or a evo) that had HDMI out, I would gladly pay $10 a month to have hulu streaming ability on my phone.
I don't see why it's so hard for someone to geek out and create an application that falsifies the web browser headers?
That's how sites determine what browser you use... they use the headers in the request to see if you're running IE or Firefox or ...
I guess you pay for what you get.
The iPhone will have it first (among mobile devices) but those of us who own them will still have to pay the $10.00 monthly fee to watch something that used to be free for everyone. (and still is on your laptop)
I just hope it's not as horrible as the Rhapsody Application that just shuts down non. stop. seriously, they advertise the hell out of the glitchiest App in the AppStore. 😡
It's pretty freaking sweet.
No really.
Its absolutely perfect.
I'm going to be paying the $10.00 and canceling Dish network.
Droid... doesn't
all the flash in the world and you still cant watch Hulu 🤣
Just FYI I will educate you. It's an application and has nothing to do with flash.
We could watch it if Hulu didn't actively block it because they want premium service prices. It will be coming to android. It's not a question of "if" but rather "when."
that the "doesn't" part is Hulu's fault... Hulu blocks mobile web-browsers.
Not Droids fault.
Or are you really that dense and uninformed?
It's like the iPhone can use programs that facilitate porn... but Apple don't let you use ...