Verizon Adds $80 5 GB Option to Pre-Paid Data
Am I reading something wrong? Virgin's website says $60 for 5GB
Even still..better deal than VZW.
It could be an announced price plan change and hasn't been implemented yet, and Eric Zeman has his tenses incorrect.
Let's see, I can pay $80 for 5 GB of data with Verizon, or $40 for unlimited data with Virgin
Yeah, that's showin' 'em, Verizon! Keepin' it competitive!
This must be part of Verizon's "We Think Customers Are Really Stupid" marketing campaign.
Guess what? Price is not the only consideration.
I hope they are handing out free devices... oh, they aren't?
Verizon is honestly the greediest bunch of bastards in the US cellular crowd.
When will AT&T follow suit...
What doesn't make sense is why Verizon's 5GB pre-paid plan costs more than their post-paid 5GB laptop card plan.....the primary advantage of pre-paid is supposed to be that it is cheaper
Kinda interesting...
Just really interesting move on VZW's part.
What is really odd is...
If you live in a 4G area, ok, I can see it... but for the majority of the nation... wtf?