I got a G1, jailbroken with cyanogen android 2.2 FroYo. I thought the G2 would be something crazy. This is very dissapointing. Just gonna wait till tax time to upgrade to a better android phone.
How well does the G1 run with 2.2? I've been told a G1 with 2.2 would have minimal amounts of memory available.
Yeah, the G2 is "only" 2.2, but the beauty of it is going to be internet browsing speed. HSPA+ is much faster than current 3g. if you are in an area where HSPA+ is avaiable.
800MHz processor? Fail! I was going to get it til I saw that.
What exactly did you expect? You've got a combo CPU/GPU chip running the show, a perfect screen size, a QWERTY and FroYo. You weren't holding out for a FFC, were you? Perhaps a built-in coffee maker? How about a cupholder?
How bout that stock Android does still ewxist!!!
Sure is good to know *!!stock!!* Android still exists! All carriers should have at least one stock Android smartphone to choose from!
Betcha there's a good chance the G2 will be among the first to get gingerbread (whenever that ends up coming out)
Well it's good to know hope still exists for stock Android.
Yes, plain Android UI is simply the best!
I know I'm in the minority, but some -emphasis on SOME- of the UI mods are actually pretty nice. Sense has some benefits, like an actual email widget, and I have grown partial to the Vibrant's TouchWiz 3.0. I actually like the way that the app drawe...