Come on Sprint.
With the ATT and Tmobile merger. It is not time for Sprint to show it can compete and it will. Sprint will be coming out with some great phones this year. And PS for all you VZW and ATT fanboys. Keep this in mind Sprint came out with the EVO first. Those other carriers followed. With the Thunderbolt and Inspire. GO SPRINT. EVO 3D will be EPIC.
I have been hearing that Sprint is going to be having some really big announcement during the CTIA conference. EVO 3D, and a few other handsets.
I'm hoping you're right and Sprint comes out swinging with some new hardware. Competition drives innovation, so it will benefit Sprint customers and non-Sprint customers alike
Yep Sprint will deff be kicking it up a notch with the news of that merger, I dont think it really matters that Sprint was the first with the EVO, its all about who delievers the service the best, and that is up to the consumer to decide.
Think ab...