AT&T Customers Campaign Against Data Policies
Some FACTS for customers looking elsewhere (or AT&T Fanboys)
Verizon LTE- in 196 Markets
AT&T LTE- in 28 Markets
Verizon Data Coverage-(Map clearly shows almost entire network is 3G or 4G, no need to zoom in but you can if you want to, lol) » ... »
AT&T Data Coverage-(Being the ETHICAL company they are, you have to click "data" then actually ZOOM in to see where exactly they have 4G, 3G and EDGE. You will clearly see a majority of their network is in fact EDGE or the slowest speed by far) » »
An AT&T Fanboy told me that AT&T has better smartphones. Don't know if he meant better selection or better actual phones but in either case;
Here is the thing with the 2GB and throttling of data
Fantastic! Fight these clowns who refuse to invest in their network
You are a moron. You should read more about the investments that AT&T is making before you stay stuipid crap like that.
I'm not saying all of AT&T's policys are prefect, but for 4 years ...
Is this being moderated AT ALL??
Is it just me or...
Something I don't understand
...and people are being throttled for using around 2 GB of data...
...then if you're around that, why not just change your plan to a tiered one that you'd stay under anyways and avoid getting throttled?
It just seems to me that people overstate their need for data in most cases. And I'm not saying throttling like this is right, I'm just looking at it a little differently than most of the hip 'let's hate on AT&T' people are.
Your contract is only 2 years! After 2 years, att can switch you to 3gb for 30$.