Info & Phones
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phones ?
does anyone know if any high end phones are going to come out soon ?
what a waste of hard earned money!! i was talked into switching companies. i choose this phone because of the keyboard and the fact that i could use the mail@metro. yea right.i can't use that feature because my username has an underscore in it. the keyboard only lets me put a dash. so that in turn means can't get onto myspace. second of all, i can't receive pic messages. i sent one from nextel and only received the message. thank goodness, my return period is not over. it's going back ASAP.
the samsung lets you insert an underscore, you just gotta change the input type to symbol and scroll through it. the pic messaging problem seems to stem from the nextel service. that phone receives fine from att that i know i've tried. sprint/nextel gives me problems.
The current so-called "high end" phones available Moto Rokrz6m, and Kyocera E2000. They can do what ever Metro has to offer, i.e., video, pic, mms, internet. I heard that by this summer there will be a smartphone of some sort available. BTW, Metro won't have expensive phones cause they don't do discount or contracts to go along when selling new phones as far as I heard. No wi-fi, streaming stuff like that, just keep it low cost kind alternative to ATT or big V.
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