Metro is currently looking into expanding into that market, and it IS coming, but by Christmas is doubtful.
Simply put, Metro does not have the network to support high data transfers. They are in the process of switching to the AWS network (similar to EVDO of Verizon's VCast and AT&T's EDGE)... all the new networks being lauched are AWS, and all new phones being released are AWS capable, where as the older phones will not work in those Networks.
i.e. if you have an r410, r400 or any phone released more than two months ago it will not work on the new network. (Vegas and Philly)
Once they get more AWS markets up and running and convert current markets to the AWS, the...
Any info would be appreciated...
Honestly, the chances that Metro will ever make an update that allows you to use internet and MMS on a flashed phone is very slim.
I don't fully understand all the technically side of it, but basically it comes down to those data features and software are written for their phone carriers networks and to write new software to allow the formats to work on the metro network would not be cost-effective.
Keep in mind, Metro uses software from a third-party company named "Houdini" to flash the phones onto their network. All updates (including the AWS update) would be directed through that third party. It's not yet clear if they are going to even trying to go...