Dropping Chicago seems like a great way to keep your brand strong. Bring on the hate USC drones.
Hate? not sure about that. We all knew this was going to happen. I thought it would be Verizon.
yes, the beginning of the end.
Would you let your Butcher detail your car? Well that's what happens when we hire a McDonald's Marketing person that knows nothing about sales. And what can I say Sales Academy ! What loosing battle. "speak the language and the sales will come to us".
NO !! This is not a HATER!
Its just plain common sense.
Sorry Jack, A lot of us tried to tell them, But they were looking to make themselves a NAME or put thousands of us out of work.
Hope your not turning in your grave!!!! . ,
I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago. This whole selling off parts doesn't make much sense. You will now see a dying company finished off or you will see other parts sold off piecemeal.
Finally USCC admits........."We Don't Know What We're Doing"!!!!!!!
$480m cash is more than enough to buy the iPhone 5 which is CDMA ready. Couldn't afford it before, loosing customers in low church markets because of it. Sell off what is costing money to further solidify themselves in the markets that are profitable. Crazy that a phone has this kind of power.
Would be a nice truth, except that the CMDA varients of Apple's iPhone 5 are not compatible with the LTE deployed by King Street Wireless. If I'm not mistaken, we're one block off. No way Apple would hardware refresh the CDMA varient to launch on USCC.
Here you go. Doesn't support US Cellular. https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.p hp?a=11127
Yup, looks like the "riskiness" of not offering the iPhone really paid off. The two carriers that don't offer iPh (USCC and T-Mobile) are the two that are shedding customers left and right. Granted, I don't like the iPhone, but customers want it because they think it's cool. They see Paris Hilton or Jon Bon Jovi talking on one and then they HAVE to have it no matter what, just to be like them. Regardless, I think it's too late for USCC. Their stubborn refusal to carry the iPhone is leading to the downfall of the company. I agree, it's hard to believe that one phone can rule the entire planet, but it appears to be that way. US Cellular expects to get customers by carrying around a book and asking stupid questions rather than offering t...
Nov 9, 2012, 11:25 PM
Why would you even ask that question? That's kind of accentuating a negative.
With US Cellular dropping Chicago:
a. Will it also drop its claim of being a national carrier?
b. How many customers would be left for US Cellular?
We serve close to 6 million customers nationwide, and the deal just struck involves ~585,000. I would say "Only losing half a million!" but looking at it relatively that's actually quite a bit.
Also, I doubt that we'd drop our "National Carrier" tagline just because our partner roaming agreements aren't going anywhere for the forseeable future. Just because the midwest isn't going to be a home market anymore doesn't mean that USCC customers won't have service.
USC is not completely leaving Chicago. We will still have our headquarters and big wigs housing us there. 🙄
While I don't like seeing USC losing 10% of its customer base I understand the move. We are cutting our losses, over half of our churn is from those areas and so these are the areas that cost us to much to support. So I understand the move, but that doesn't mean I have to like what is going on.
What worries me most is that this means USC has seen it can't grow in new markets (St. Louis and Chicago are both less than 10 years old as a market for USC), that means that the company is trenching in as a super regional carrier. Makes you think that customers are set with the current providers in the area they are in and there is...