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Motorola SLVR L7c now available
The Motorola SLVR L7c is now available on mycricket.com . The exact link is as follows: http://www.mycricket.com/plansphones/motorola motoslvrl7c . Does anyone have any other information on upcoming phones for cricket?
I think that yes it is a nice phone. Unfortunately cricket sliver L7c does not have all the features and functions that the same model phone with another service provider would have. example: when you go to send a mms message and want to add a picture you can not apply the preloaded predifined animations that are available to LOOK at in the media section of your phone. It is just taking up space on your phone. BUT SAY SOMEONE WITH CINGULAR OR SPRINT PCS CAN APPLY THOSE ANIMATIONS TO THEIR MMS MESSAGES. Also if you try to have someone send the animations to you from their phone you will not be able to retrieve them.
I would like to know how to fix this problem. Its bugging me.
2nd: When I upload music on my memory card and i have it connect...
This pone is nice but i am having trouble with it powering off
Yes, Cricket is about to start carrying the
Motorola KRZR, we just got display models in today.
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