Two (ok 3) Questions on CellularOne(Dobson) by AT&T
2)I know it can be done, but is it contractully legal undener the terms of the consumer blackberry unlimited plan ($45) to use your blackberry as a modem for your computer?
A third question if anyone is in the know...god forbid I loose my CellOne SIM card. Can you buy an extra Cellularone/Dobson SIM card to keep around just in case?
Eventually, AT&T will have Dobson's towers converted over to AT&T towers and they will probably be adding more towers and possibly adding 3G to some in different areas. If you stay with Dobson, it basically doesn't really make sense. All of Dobson's towers will be gone and you can't take advantage of AT&T's huge variety of phones. Also, you'll never be able to take advantage of 3G, which stinks because 2G can't do what 3G is capable of doing.
If you use the phone as a modem it will bill seperately than your normal BB data usage, and it bills alot. Once the billing conversion happens, I don't know if it will work at all.
For the last question, if a retail store has any they may sell you one. Customer service can only send things out in extreme circumstances and get hassled about it.
2. You CAN, however what might end up happening is the system with catch it and kick the package off billing you for all of the usage. If you have a quicklink package it will not. A customer ended up with a couple thousand dollar bill for that before.
3. No more Cell One SIM cards are available after last Friday unless your retail store has some.