Just Signed Up, But.
Do you think I should return my ocean, and get t-mobile instead?
wombough said:
whats the flood of people debating with helio or tmobile?
Well in my opinion Helio's coverage is far better than T-Mobile's. Also you wont experience any of the static problems with Helio while on phone calls. Only thing that is scary is that Helio is a MVNO and I think people are worried they will suffer the same fate as Amp'd. As far as coverage and features Helio is better than T-Mobile but this is just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it
You won't hear static with tmobile either. Static does not exist on digital signals. Now I will say it sounds like you are talking form a garbage can (tin one) on GSM.
Heilo is not going anywhere for at least 2 years. My 2 cents. They are owned by the largest mobile carrier in Korea.