Loosing my unlimited data by two days
I stopped by my local Verizon store today to see about pre-ordering a Galaxy S3 (which I can't because you can't preorder before your upgrade date, even though the phone wouldn't be here until after my date). 🙄
The manager told me that although I will loose my unlimited data, I will be able to get a "Data Share Plan" that will include unlimited text & talk, and also free use of hot spot. He said the pricing will be tiered according to how much data I pick to share, so I have no idea yet if it's going to cost me more or not. For those of you who know, was I given accurate information?
If I go with 6GB to share with my boy, I shouldn't have to adjust my usage habits (including Pandora).
Jarahawk said:
Why don't you just leave your plan alone. You don't HAVE to go to the Shared Date plan you just HAVE to give up your unlimited data plan if you upgrade at discounted price.
I realize that. What I have been saying is that unless I have miscalculated something, the new plan might not be a bad thing for me. It looks like if I go with 6GB it will cost me about the same as my current bill, I will have a little more data available than we normally use, plus I'll have unlimited talk and free hotspot. All in all not a bad deal I guess. I was just hoping to maybe save some money.
Not sure if you'd keep unlimited on a device that doesn't drop till the 28th or not
hobble said:
Scammed. Data share plans are the new family plans. You just lost your unlimited data son. I would be furious if i was you.
Well "son", you obviously don't know what you're talking about. I have the printed contract and the confirmation email from VZW. I have a Samsung GS3 on it's way (supposed to ship 7-11) AND I have renewed my existing contract with unlimited data on my line. My plan and my monthly bill will be the same as I've had for the past two years. Ooooh...what a scam. They got me good!
Its ok to admit you do not know what your talking about hobble.
We didn't learn about it until the 12th at our level, and were told on calls last week that we could share information about it because all the information was public anyway.
Nobody has told me to keep them hush hush.