My wife and I currently have a two line family plan. Her line is eligible for an upgrade at the moment and mine is not. She uses a flip phone and couldn't care less, while I have a smartphone and am considering the Galaxy S III. I see an option to transfer her upgrade discount to my line. Will transferring the discount impact our plan? Is there a charge involved? Any advice will be appreciated.
Jul 3, 2012, 1:42 AM
No impact to the plan aside from standard concerns for your data plan (adding the plan, adjusting it, etc).
No charge above whatever charge you'd get anyway, usually the upgrade fee.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did notice the upgrade fee, which is now $30. Last year when I upgraded it was only $20 and I believe the store rep called it a "convenience fee" (convenient for whom? LOL).
Regarding the data part of the plan, it is currently unlimited. Will upgrading push me into the new Shared Data plan? I don't use much so it won't be a big loss, but I just want to know what to expect.
Jul 3, 2012, 9:27 AM
Upgrading will force you onto a 2GB version of what you already pay. You can also choose to change to the new plan if you prefer.
Thanks - I guess I'll try to figure out if the new Share plan will cost more or less than what I have already have.
Again, you don't have to go to the new Share Everything plans. The only thing you'll HAVE to do is switch your $29.99 unlimited data feature to the $30/2GB data feature. You can switch to Share Everything if you'd like but it's not required. The feature change that's required will not change your price only your data from unlimited to 2GB.
Thanks for confirming this. I'm glad I can stay with my current plan since I just checked out the Share Everything plan and found it would cost me more.
Just walked through the upgrade process online (Galaxy S3). I didn't pull the trigger, but I noticed that "unlimited email and web" was still an option. If I had proceeded I apparently would not have been forced to select a 2GB data plan. What do you think about that? Am I misunderstanding something?
Hmmm... not supposed to work like that but if it lets you go for it.
If I actually get to keep the unlimited option I'll post again. It's hard to believe that they would make an exception just for me 🙂
No it isn't. You're special and they they darn well know it.
... should post even if it attempts to switch your data plan to that 2GB nonsense. I have a suggestion...
Just occurred to me to ask if the upgrade transfer can be done in a Verizon store? I can see how to do it online, but it doesn't "stick" - when I log back in the two lines have reverted back to their original status.
Yes, a store can do an "alternate upgrade". It doesn't really move anything online. All it does is makes the transaction go through how you want. It says move the upgrade but really it isn't, the system is just doing the alternate upgrade behind the scenes for you online.