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Thanks Verizon Guru(s)


Sep 1, 2004, 12:45 PM
Thanks guys (and gals??) for replying back. I'd read in the WSJ a couple of weeks ago that analog has to be "supported" until 2-18-2008 per the FCC rules and regulations, but obviously new phones don't have to have it incorporated and the article never fully explained all the possible ways "supported" could be technically done.

I'm all for the new generation of phones and features. I just don't want to end up with a phone that's so advanced it can interface with my car's computer (just saying) but leave me wrapping aluminum foil around my arms and head trying to boost signal to get a call through. People in the country are strange enough without giving city folks more to talk about 😉

I will probably make a change in plans (c...

Sep 1, 2004, 1:28 PM
I have found that aluminum foil around the tongue works great when traveling the back roads but you need to make certain that the aluminum tape is used to seal the seams so that no signal escapes.

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