Samsung SGH-S307/Cingular Question.
I have had a Samsung S307 for about two weeks now and I've noticed a minor annoyance with the way it works with Cingular. When I receive an e-mail to my phone (to, the e-mail appears in my inbox to be from "362-45", instead of the sender's e-mail address. So I can receive 30 e-mails from 30 separate people, but they'll all appear in my inbox to be from "362-45". Furthermore, when I receive an AOL IM (when they send to +myphonenumber), the from address is "265-060", instead of the screen name.
My previous phone (Nokia 6340i) did not have this problem and would correctly display either the e-mail address or the AOL IM screen name.
Does anyone else with the Samsung S307 experience th...