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Nights and weekdends scam


Nov 17, 2004, 4:22 PM
Can anyone please tell me when and why all these companies decided to switch the starting nights hours from 7 PM to 9 PM? Before you know it we are going to be starting nights at 11 PM and ending at 5 AM.

Nov 17, 2004, 4:28 PM
Ummm... when did all the companies change? you can choose to have them at 7 if you'd like...

Nov 17, 2004, 5:34 PM
I just got my bill yesterday and enclosed was an offer for the 7PM option on "select" GSM plans starting at the 29.99 level and up. It said family lines would be charged twice (for the first and second lines) with subsequent lines getting it for free. This is pretty standard with what they've had in the past. Same price as in the past, $7 one line/$14 two lines.

If off-peak hours start moving to 11PM, I suggest we get some soup cans and a lot of string and see if we can cut our wireless bills. 😛

Nov 18, 2004, 8:14 AM
Klingon_Rooster said:

If off-peak hours start moving to 11PM, I suggest we get some soup cans and a lot of string and see if we can cut our wireless bills. 😛

your ideas are intriguing to me and i would like to subscribe to your newsletter 😁

Nov 18, 2004, 1:42 PM
🤣 🤣 You so cwazy.

Nov 18, 2004, 1:51 PM

Nov 17, 2004, 4:29 PM
I thought most places had it at 9, and only a few switched it to 7 for special promos? I define promo as anything that requires a contract. I've got an even 1000 night and 1000 day minutes though, so as long as I can divide it nearly in half I'm happy with it.

Nov 17, 2004, 5:30 PM
When I started with AWS 3.5 years ago, our N/w times started at 8pm and for awhile that was the lowest start time. Then in summer of 2002, we came out with 9pm start times to match the industry. At the time, I think only Sprint was offering 7pm start times, but for a $5-10 fee.

7pm has grown very popular and the more the various carriers offer a certain version of the promo/feature the more popular it's going to become. I was kind of surprised that Cingular charged $7 for the feature. I wonder how popular it is with their customer base? Can any Cingular reps chime in and answer that? What kind of feedback do you get when it comes to charging for 7pm start times? Just curious....

Also, keep in mind that carriers are in business t...

Nov 17, 2004, 9:26 PM
it's a pretty popular feature in my area. Most of the customers know that they'd pay a fee for it anywhere else so they don't mind. There are the occasional idiots who try and convince me that they can get it for free at x-provider, but frankly very few of those claims hold water.

Nov 17, 2004, 9:52 PM
I know the carriers are in the business of making money. I understand that. But I seem to recall at the beginning of the wireless boom that nights were at 7 PM and then somehow they slipped in the 9 PM thing slowly but surely. It's like a cup of coffee used to cost .50 and now everywhere you go it's over $3.00 bucks now!! I don't know, just a little annoyed at that feature when I see it offered for a premium when I recall it used to be a part of the standard package... 😡

Nov 17, 2004, 11:33 PM

The .50 cup of coffee you used to get was just that... coffee. The $3.00 cup of coffee you are getting now is something better. (Tall double latte somethingoranother?) That .50 cup of coffee is around .75-1.00 now.

Nov 18, 2004, 9:25 AM
we've got free coffee in the break room.

i love me some caffeine.

Nov 18, 2004, 11:25 AM
I think all carriers can offer the early NW begining at 7:00 PM free of cost for those loyal customer who might be at churn risk just like ATTws. It is obvious that in order to get such promotion the customer must have a tenure with the service and renew their agreement for at least 24 months with a specific plan fee and above which is normally $39.99. There might be some other promotions lost along the way like mobile to mobile or additional minutes.

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