I have a question regarding att 4g. When att comes out with 4g lte will the current 4g phones running on Hsp i.e. infuse, atrix work with the transition to LTE.
Jul 8, 2011, 12:20 PM
Nope. The 4G phones now are only HSPA+. You can bet your last dollar that when they are LTE, they will have "LTE" plastered all over them in big orange and blue letters.
LTE is nothing but a myth on ATT 🤣
Whatever you say doesn't change the truth. ATT lags behind every other carrier, even Tmo who has real HSPA+ deployed.
What YOU call "trolling" I call the truth. Do you work for ATT? Is that why you can't except the truth? Personally I don't let employment with a company cause me to be biased. ATT just isn't a move forward kind of company. That's a fact. T-Mobile is the one that has kept moving forward the past 18 months.
Jay, it's trolling because it's off topic. Nobody cares what you think about AT&T, bud. If you want to trash talk at&t, maybe you should start your own thread and list all the reasons you think they suck, instead of posting pointless crap in other threads, where people are actually looking for legitimate info.
How is it off topic? The OP is about ATT & LTE, which in the 7th month of 2011 remains nothing but a myth - fact.
According to the headlinevof the OP I am on topic.
How is it a myth, you tool? They have the spectrum, and most of the infrastructure, and are set to roll it out in select markets by the end of 2011
END of 2011? A company with 90+ million customers and billions and billions in revenue and a measly 5 cities by the END of 2011?
Personally I think it's pathetic how emotional you get over something just because you recieve a paycheck from ATT. It's a job, a means to pay bills that's it!
Personally, I think it's pathetic how emotional you get over a carrier you don't even work for, or have service with.
Easy, pickles. Jay doesn't really understand how forums work but he's really enthusiastic about them. Jay just parrots whatever he hears from other users and they usually only are relevant to about five different points.
Here are the five if you're interested
1. If you work for a wireless carrier you are an ignorant fanboi who's opinions are fallacious and not to be trusted
2. Real buttons are better than capacitive buttons
3. Motorola is sh!t
4. He likes the LG Ally, especially since it got the 2.1 upgrade so you can store apps on the SD card instead of phone memory
5. He doesn't care or take into account the normal cellphone user. He uses tons of data and because he uses tons of data, consumers that don't use tons of dat...
I've noticed all of this, but I will never back down from calling Jay out. It's one of my favorite things to do on here. I don't know why, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
I would like to applaud capt pickle. The dbag that keeps referring to it as a myth is adding nothing but confusion and precum to the conversation. Perhaps its not rolling out as fast as you'd like, but to call it a myth, is ignorant. Keep fighting the good troll fight capt pickle!
Jay's work is never done. I don't really have a problem with him, he's not a bad dude. Pretty nice guy for the most part. He's just silly, and kind of a n00b when it comes to forums.
I work for AT&T and get updates on this stuff quite regularly. As of NOW, they already have the infrastructure in place for those 5 cities. This summer they are going to flip that awesome switch to turn on LTE. By the end of this year, they are going to have extended LTE to 70 million of its subscribers.
Popeisinthehouse said:
I work for AT&T and get updates on this stuff quite regularly. As of NOW, they already have the infrastructure in place for those 5 cities. This summer they are going to flip that awesome switch to turn on LTE. By the end of this year, they are going to have extended LTE to 70 million of its subscribers.
Actually i have totally different info. So before i put up my proof that atnt does NOT have those cities ready to go may i see your proof as to why yoou claim they do?
Jul 16, 2011, 1:28 PM
Left hand/right hand conspiracy 😲
AT&T Announces First Long Term Evolution (LTE) Markets to Launch Summer 2011
"We are on track to begin our Long Term Evolution (LTE) launch efforts this summer, with a rollout planned for five markets: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Antonio. We also plan to add another 10 or more LTE markets by the end of the year."
They have tested the LTE in these areas for speed quality and reliability, which is prrof that it is already in place.
So whats your proof?
Do you think they can install that eqiupment over night and then turn it on? No, its installed and tested ALOT before its initialized.
After watching the hearing with atnt and congress i would'nt belive anything that comes outta atnt.
was whether current at&t HSPA phones will work with LTE, not whether at&t LTE was a myth, or whether at&t sucks. so GTFO dude.
I still think it's pathetic how emotional you get over a wireless carrier.
I'm not getting emotional over a wireless carrier, I'm annoyed that you deem it necessary to take every opportunity to bash AT&T. You're just as biased as the so-called at&t fanboys, jay. A user asked a simple question, they didn't ask for good ole' JayShmay to come on in and troll around.
The reason I bash ATT is because they have the same exact financial means as Verizon does. . .MINUS THE AMBITION. Both ATT & Verizon have 90+ million customers, both have lots, and lots in revenue and profits, but only one has enough forward ambition to launch an LTE network that is capable of putting out real-world speeds of 15, 20, 25, and even sometimes 30+ mbps. I like companies that are forward moving, not stagnant.
I think AT&T is controlled by the devil's spawn too but lord dude, enough is enough. No one is calling you out for working security at a car lot and not having ambition.
You completed trolled this thread, period.
Oh, you need to know the definition of a Myth before you start throwing around the term. Makes you look extremely ignorant.
Definition #3: imaginary existence
http://i.word.com/idictionary/Myth »LTE is an imaginary existence on ATTs network. Nothing commercially available.
If ATT had ambition they'd spend their billions in revenue doing what T-Mo is, which is bringing 3G to it's FULL potential. Which is deploying HSPA+ 42 to 170 million Americans. 200 million by yrs end.
Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
To the CONSUMER it doesn't exist!!! There are no usb modems, no smartphones.
The point is a company 1/3 the size of ATT has a network that is at least 3x faster than ATT.
So the point is T-Mobile (who they're about to buy, sounds pretty ambitious to me) has a faster 3g network? How is that relevant to at&ts LTE network which probably exists but isn't commercially available.
You don't make much sense man. I think you're just spitting out blind hate towards at&t.
How bout this instead of just hating on ATT, I hate ALL companies that are stagnant and don't move forward. 3G technology provides are very, very long upgrade path, even beyond HSPA+ 42. And yet ATT struggles to even deploy HSPA 21.
Why would ATT wast money on 3g upgrades when they're trying to push 4G out?
I'm not a CTO. Just a consumer who likes speed, speed, speed. And if ATT had the ambition to follow the 3G upgrade path, I could have had 8, 10, 12mbps if ATT deployed HSPA+ 42 2-3yrs ago. So ATT gave up on the 3G upgrade path, HSPA 14, 21, 42, in 2008-2010, when they were raking in $$$$ from Iphone sales.
So ATT gave up on the 3G upgrade path that I could gave enjoyed 2-3yrs ago, so I gave up on ATT.
And NOW I am enjoying 10, 15, and sometimes 20, 25, and on ocasion 30+ mbps with Verizon LTE.
So did you realize ATT was screwing up 2-3 years ago?
Yep. Every time I saw a headline on Phone Scoop or Engadget talking about what 3G is capable of, and here we are in July of 2011 and ATT barely has HSPA 21 deployed, including the backhaul.
And Tmo is advertising speeds on a 3G network that are similar to what Vzn's LTE network is putting out.
Did you ever stop to think that instead of working on their own network it would be easier for someone else to build a better network and then buy it?
You're completely missing my point, jay.
He misses everyones points.
att has already started to deploye LTE = fact. not a myth
the only forward movement they've made is directly into the soft, cuddly arms of your friends at AT&T
"Interestingly, network speeds were the most important factor to only 4% of respondents, which may be surprising given the attention that some cell phone network providers have given to that feature in advertising campaigns," the report added.
Admittedly I have a love/hate relationship with ATT. But I think they've got time on their side to roll out 4G. As the quote from a survey done in June says, currently most people don't care about network speed...yet.
And perhaps they're actually learning from those who have already rolled out a "4G" network as not to make the same mistakes. Doubt it though, it is ATT after all. 👀
Well I sure as hell care about speed! Reguardless of whether I'm doing regular web browsing, watching bews videos, I care about speed.
If every American consumer is EXACTLY like you, Jay, then God help us.
What exactly do you mean? Consumers who lime doing bussiness with companies who move FORWARD, and gave their customers speedy wireless networks? Such as Tmo's HSPA+ 42, or Vzn's LTE?
What I mean Jay, is that it's foolish for you to assume that EVERY wireless customer has the exact same needs as you. You're only ONE person, bro! Different strokes for different folks, how long is it going to take you to grasp this concept?
Ok, sure. Right now I am a consumer who needs to go to Smiths and get lunch items for work. Tomorrow night is my monday.
Just because you won't acknowledge my point, and you'd rather run off to buy food doesn't make me any less right. Have a good one, man.
Jul 10, 2011, 3:10 PM
I don't see why this thread had to go past my reply. Seriously.
I don't much care for Sprint, but you don't see me going over to their forum and taking every opportunity to bash them (an example).
Jul 11, 2011, 10:23 AM
Some people enjoy feeding the trolls, it appears.