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Help with a 6010...


Jun 11, 2005, 12:08 PM
I didn't want to post in the Nokia forum because nobody goes in there.

I have a 6010 that is displaying a message that says "Allow SIM card to send message"

The phone gives me the options to either send or cancel. When I do either, the message will pop up in about 2 minutes. It doesn't say what the message is, or who it is sending to. Tech support has never heard of this. I am on hold with Nokia, but the wait time is like 20 minutes.

If anyone has seen this or can help me I would appreciate it!

Jun 11, 2005, 12:25 PM
Nevermind. I gave up and just refered to warranty exchange. Nokia told me to contact Cingular tech support and Cingular refered me to Nokia. I hate getting the run around. No help on either side whatsoever.

Jun 11, 2005, 12:32 PM
That's the kind of things I expect when I call in... I have no idea on the error though. It has to be a setting on the phone, or a malfunction, but you would think the manufacturer would know about it.

Jun 11, 2005, 12:49 PM
You would think... 🙄

Sometimes I wonder if anyone is good for anything.

Jun 11, 2005, 12:50 PM
I'm good

for stuff

n things

Jun 11, 2005, 12:32 PM
Im sorry. Ive never seen this problem before. ☚ī¸

Jun 11, 2005, 1:18 PM
Typical for Cingular and all of its phone manufactures, I had a problem with my SonyEricsson and Cingular told me to call SE and SE told me to call Cingular 😕

Jun 11, 2005, 1:21 PM
yea this happen to a few of my customers.. i noticed it only happed when they put their cingular sim card in their old suncom 6010.. i always just send it and who cares, should be a one time thing..

Jun 11, 2005, 2:07 PM
I too have a 6010, but haven't seen this message. Try pulling out the SIM for 30 seconds and putting it back in. If that doesn't help then go to a Cingular store and see if they'll give you a new SIM. Also, leave your phone off for awhile (2 hours), then turn it back on, wait a while longer (10 minutes), then hope for the best.

I had a message on my 3120 that the 'SIM failed', however it was the phone that was defective. Replaced the phone and no more problems. Good luck.

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