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TDMA phones on GSM Plans


Jun 16, 2005, 2:17 PM
I have noticed a lot lately, that there are quite a few Digital phones on GSM rate plans. I have asked these customers if it affects the usage of their digital phones or if they have billing issues, and they all reply "no".

How is this possible? I thought that you can only put a GSM phone on a GSM plan. Are there any hidden dangers that the customer should be aware of? I do know that GAIT phones w/o the IME number on a GSM plan can cause billing problems.


Jun 16, 2005, 2:26 PM
GSM phones on TDMA plans often times cause billing issues, but not on every single one, most of the billing issues I have seen have to do with roaming charges, things like that, the phones usually work, just has the habit of causing billing errors, hope that helps 😁

Jun 16, 2005, 2:37 PM
GAIT phones and TDMA phones on GSM rate plans can cause porvblems because the GSM rate plans are set up to support certain SID'S. the GAIT phones and the TDMA phones oick up SID's that are not covered in the GSM rate plans because they both support TDMA. The gait phones are ok because they try to be a GSM phone first they do not go TDMA unless they have to.

Jun 16, 2005, 2:54 PM
i hate when reps do this ! i See it happen all the time new reps dont take the time to look at what tech of phone the have . I have on several occasions talked to customers when they call in and say why am i charged roaming ? why am i dropping calls ? and i reply well you cant have the rateplan that you have instead of paying 39.99 for 450rumm5knw you have to go back to 300min pn with 5 knw for 39.99 or upgrade you phone . This is a big problem b/c customers dont understand why they cant have these great plans with their 5 year old phone . So i always make it a point to tell a customer that they cant have the plan if they are on it even if they call in to check their mins . causes a lot of escalations but it will eliminate they roaming and ...

Jun 16, 2005, 4:55 PM
Wishful thinking rant....

I've posted this on another forum I participate on, but it might eliminate some of these type problems if Cingular, Verizon, whomever, made phones available in new technology mode but in old-school appearance.

Cingular did have the Nokia 5190 some time back. Looked basically like the old tdma/amps 5120/5165 type phones, which were very popular and from what I see, still quite plentiful. However, it was a single frequency phone and not sold everywhere. I have older family members that are guarding these phones more than they do their life savings because they do not want anything to do with phones that access the internet, take pictures, record video, or possibly launch cruise missles.

Fantasy part come...

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