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Telemarketer call on cell phone


Jun 16, 2005, 3:46 PM
Is there a restriction at Cingular to restrict telemarketer calls on cingular cell phones. I thought that cell phone companies doesn't let telemarketers call their subscribers. That is just what i heard so I dont know if its true. any info on this would be appreciated!

Jun 16, 2005, 3:58 PM
Telemarketers use sequential diallers to call all numbers in a certain range--it's not personal and they don't actually "have" the number.

Jun 16, 2005, 3:58 PM
GinoA said:
Is there a restriction at Cingular to restrict telemarketer calls on cingular cell phones. I thought that cell phone companies doesn't let telemarketers call their subscribers. That is just what i heard so I dont know if its true. any info on this would be appreciated!

It's not that cell carriers don't let telemarketers call, it's that cell carriers don't sell their subscribers numbers and mobile numbers are not made public, so it's harder for telemarketers to get mobile numbers. But not impossible. If you give your mobile number to a company that decides to sell it to another company.... I haven't heard of any carriers that can restrict certain people from calling, but I have heard ...

Jun 16, 2005, 4:04 PM
Cingular does not solicit customers number unless the customer requests to- therefore no company should have your number unless you've signed up for something on line and used your number- possibly signed up for something in any retail location, called a business with call id and they tracked the call and now have your number... so many ways for companies to get the number , but yes, the wireless company protects the numbers as far as they can by not selling them or giving them out to outside companies.

Jun 16, 2005, 4:44 PM
Do NOT give your cell phone number out to businesses, colleges, doctor offices, etc. Having worked as an insurance agent, you would be surprised the number of places that sell you out when it comes to private info.

If you can't make it w/o giving your cell number out, make sure you have plenty of rollover mins ;)

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