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Sony Ericsson T62u and ATT TDMA customer questions


Aug 1, 2005, 12:54 PM
Sorry if I am beating a dead horse here, but I am an att tdma customer with a 29.99/mo regional advantage plan. my contract expires next june, and I intent to suck the life out of this cheap plan for as long as I can. What is going to happen to me?

Also, if I buy a T63U from Ebay will it be able to use the GSM signal even though I'm not paying for it?

Aug 1, 2005, 3:26 PM
You can stay with TDMA service until it's discontinued, which should be happening in the next 18 - 24 months. After that, you'll be told to move to GSM or leave. Also, the TDMA service will NOT improve, roaming agreements on TDMA are being cancelled left and right with other companies' towers as well there are very few phone upgrades (if any) if you need to upgrade.

For the T63U, you won't be able to use it on the plan you have, you'd have to move to a GSM plan to use a GSM service.

Aug 1, 2005, 4:30 PM
Analog service has to be maintained until February of 2008. Many inside Cingular have said that while tdma will be trimmed back/consolidated as time progresses, the whole-scale shutdown likely would not be until 2008 at the earliest. Whether that hits your area first or last who knows?

At present, about 22% of the customer base is still tdma-based. With about 50-53 million customers at any one time, we're talking 10-10.5 million people, so until that quantity gets a lot smaller Cingular won't be telling anyone to leave...just yet.

True, equipment will play out and people will want a change of plan or move and have to change. I'm just saying that until service DOES begin to degrade and as long as it suits you to keep your old plan...

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