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Still possible to provision your account for GAIT?


Oct 18, 2006, 9:01 PM
Two years ago cingular made it possible if you had two things: A GSM plan plus a nokia 6340i phone you could get both the ESN & IMEI added and effectively have access to all three technologies...while they last. They call it the GSM plan with the GAIT calling area. It probably shows up on your billing stmt even if you do not use it, should someone not using it see it and go "hey....".

Anyone that works with/for Cingular...Assuming you have the right type of SIM card, and you have the correct phone, and your ESN handy, is it still possible to get this feature added on to your account?

If you can do it, am I correct in saying that you can use a 64K SIM so long as it's not a 3G card? I have heard that 3G kills any & all GAIT, w...

Oct 18, 2006, 9:43 PM
HUH? ๐Ÿคจ

Oct 18, 2006, 9:53 PM
I am in market 35 and as far as I know we stopped selling and marketing the Gait phones and service at least 2 years ago. I have not heard of any other Gait service in my area since then. The only place I have seen the old 6340i phones is tons of them on ebay... ๐Ÿ™‚

Oct 19, 2006, 11:16 AM
your area never supported TRUE gait, as that market has always been GSM

Oct 19, 2006, 1:38 AM
Not possible.

Oct 19, 2006, 10:35 AM
you know what funny.....off subject. even customers using gait phones are billed that extra $5 a month.

to anser you question i think so. i still have the option in our act. system to activate gait phones.

Oct 19, 2006, 11:18 AM
it can, but it will not activate as TDMA-GAIT, it will provision as GSM-GAIT. (basically homing your phone to GSM only, unless the PLMN registers that you are in a non GSM coverage area,not weak).

Oct 19, 2006, 10:00 PM
I know TexasWireless is as tuned in as anyone to what Cingular can do, but Crackberry seemed to be the only one who typed enough in for me to know he is on my thought line.

I am not talking about the pure GAIT. I know that went the way of the dinosaur as a stand-alone plan option in 2004. However, a few months after they 'file 13-ed' it, they made it possible for you to have a GSM-GAIT set-up...assuming you had a perfectly functioning 6340i phone handy.

What MY problem is...is getting two people in a row that will confirm that this option exists. One will say yes, the next no, the next maybe...and we're off to the races.

For TexasWireless...were you responding to the pure GAIT or that even the GSM+GAIT is no longer possible? I...

Oct 20, 2006, 9:51 AM
while i haven't been in sales in a year, i do belive it is possible. i haven't heard anything that they took away that capability. i know the codes still exst in the system, but not sure who has the ability to add them.

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