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GAIT is gone


Aug 28, 2004, 5:47 PM
Hey all, just went to check and sign up for GAIT coverage today and it is gone from the Cingular website. If any others out there were planning to make the same jump, looks like we're out of luck :-(

Aug 28, 2004, 11:12 PM
Klingon_Rooster said:
Hey all, just went to check and sign up for GAIT coverage today and it is gone from the Cingular website. If any others out there were planning to make the same jump, looks like we're out of luck :-(

you frown, but you wouldn't want GAIT anyhow. it's not as "great" as it looks on paper, and the phone(s) (6350i isnt made anymore) for it suck. It's still out there, you just have to ask for it, If you REALLY want it. but dont make me say "i told you so" 😉

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